Christmas is coming and Twitter is getting jolly. While December is just getting started, Twitter has already been ranting about it for a few weeks. Just recently the hashtag #XmasListIn3Words popped up and added to the Christmas spirit. Typically there aren't many Twitter games until later in the week, mainly Thursday, but during this upcoming season, it is likely that more will arise randomly. A good question is "who wouldn't want to participate in a Christmas-themed Twitter game?" The steady usage of the word implies that most of everybody want to.
Because the hashtag #XmasListIn3Words originated pretty late at night, there was a large peak in its trending status which suddenly dropped during sleeping hours. The hashtag stayed alive pretty well during those hours and picked up a decent rate of Tweets as the day progressed. Trends that usually originate as people are heading off to bed typically seem to be reinforced the next day as seen here. This is probably because folks don't want to miss out on a perfectly fun trending hashtag such as #XmasListIn3Words. Turns out plenty of people had their wishes picked out, including a number of businesses that wanted to use the opportunity of the trending hashtag to advertise. Even after the shopping weekend, advertisers have shown they want to partake in social media in order to directly interact with their customers.
While advertising on social media is usually pretty difficult, fun Twitter games like these (especially with holiday hashtags) make it easier and more fun for both the business and the consumer. While these businesses focused on addressing these people, there were plenty of people who had other ideas. These people put less consumable materials on their #XmasListIn3Days and focused rather on intangible moments such as the cure for a disease or some other fundamental problem to be gone in the world.
Twitter and social media are just getting started. #XmasListIn3Words is just one of the many hashtags that will gather momentum during this season.
Definition of #XmasListIn3Words
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