
Top Food Hashtags, According to the Food Porn Index

Twitter 365 Project - Day 61 by lu_lu, on Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License??by??lu_lu?
Studies show that Americans actually visit social media sites to browse photos of food. Seeing healthy items on the menu usually motivate them to eat healthier and stick to their low-fat and low-calorie nutrition regimen. There are also others who check social media platforms to get inspired and be more creative in their own kitchen. Viewing colorful and delectable recipes from home and professional chefs encourage people to try new ingredients and improve in presentation. Food hashtags are among the most popular in social media simply because Americans love to eat. The hashtag #condiment is one of the best trending hashtags on Twitter, garnering over 26 million mentions. The healthy hashtag #vegetable is also doing good, garnering around 14 million mentions. The hashtag #foodporn is one of the constantly trending hashtags in social media and is probably even the mother of all food-related tags. Currently, unhealthy food posts dominate social media and consist of 69.8% while healthy food posts only comprise 30.2%. This changes constantly, although the gap remains more or less the same.


  Food Porn Index was created by Bolthouse Farms, a company that offers bottled juices, dressings and other delicious and healthy recipes. The website monitors conversations and determines mentions of food hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. Every 15 minutes, mentions of various food hashtags or food porn posts are evaluated by Food Porn Index. Other popular hashtags include #Candy with over 20 million mentions and #carrot with over 5 million mentions.



The website features hashtags created out of every type of food possible and determines the total mentions made for each. Food fans can find hashtags specific to their health goals or interests. For example, searching #beets or #icecream will show visitors the total number of times the hashtag has been used. There are also other clickable food porn hashtags that lead users to games. Bolthouse Farms says it intends to inspire how people tweet about food and also improve the way they eat by making the right food choices.

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