

Member sinceApril 11, 2014
Twitter Username@30thjudicialall
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created on April 11, 2014
Violence is never an option @30thJudicialAlliance #30thalliance
created on April 11, 2014
The Elder SAFE (Safety Assurance For Elders) program was established by @30thalliance.org as a means to bring awareness, prevention, and response initiatives to help end elder abuse in Western North Carolina. www.30thalliance.org
created on April 11, 2014
Log Dog Kennel is a proposed project of #30thalliance, where rescued animals may be housed and selected animals trained as therapy and services dogs to assist persons in need. www.30thalliance.org
created on April 11, 2014
The 30th Judicial District Domestic Violence-Sexual Assault Alliance is a nonprofit agency located in Western North Carolina, providing services to victims and training to agencies across the seven far western counties that comprise the 30th Judicial District. www.30thalliance.org

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