created on May 2, 2017
Jesuit Macron calls English Brexit voters criminals EXPECT more like persecution wife 'teaches' VATICAN LATIN. The nature of English law and North American principle of law as stated in the US Constitution is freedom and fairness. Any action taken by courts or the government is meant to prevent dangerous harmful actions. ON THE CONTRARY: Catholic law serves to compel the people to remain Catholic and to obey priests like in Egypt. There can be NO Unity with any Catholic EU or politician. Remember the Jesuits were created by the Vatican to destroy Protestants and Liberals the OATH of the Jesuit Order states this. Macron can not elected not by France and he can not be tolerated by England or USA. He and his wife ARE TOP enemies of England USA Canada Sweden
created on March 31, 2017
Vicatoria Nuland was the US ambassador to Ukraine and during her time in Kiev she gave $ US 5 billions - not millions- to Ukrainian fascists. These happenes to live mostly in the Western part which was part of Poland and Austria-Hungary in history. This part fought against Stalin with Hitler the leader called Bandera was a German army officer burried in Munich. The KGB fought the partisans in the forests till the late fifties. These Western Ukrainians speak Ukrainian not Russian at home not like most Ukrainians in the East, in Kiev and in Odessa and Crimea. They speak Rusian at home. Their religion is Greek-Catholic if they are religious which means they listen to Rome. And that is why they hate Russia and Russians they are Orthodoxor dont believe. The CIA knew all this and used it until 2014 the year when Ukraine started a war in eastern provinces of Donetz and Lugansk with Russia after Crimea was taken by Russia. Victoria Nuland and other US embassy staff and the CIA financed mostly the Western Ukrainians but also other ones all over Ukraine in order to instigate them to seperate from Russia. The Organe Revolution is just part of it. The pravy sector or right sector is the organisation that greets Hitler and Bandera lifting the right arm and wearing nazi flags. They also support youth camps doing so. Just before Clinton got into her campaign and before Trump arrived in Washington Victoria Nuland became assistant secretary of state in Washington under secretary of state Kerry. Donald Trump immediately removed her from the state department after he became President.
created on June 27, 2016
OK This is written by a German. BrexitNext is there because the enemies of Britain and England are still there. They do not wait. So what ?
The Brexit Vote is done. The details can wait. What can not wait are essentials.
What are essentails. Read this Twitterblog.
Essential No 1 No more mass immigration
Essential No 2 No EU Army no EU supreme commander over British military forces.
Essential No 3 As with Army no EU federal court in criminal and civil affairs ECHR in Strasbourg can remain but Luxembourg EU court not. Same with police just British police
Essential No 4 No checks for bankrupt EURO countries
Essential No 5 No No common EU foreign policy that contradicts British people's interests
Attention: Diverting attention energy of good hearted British people is part of the enemy strategy and the NWO. So what Scotland wants in the next 2 years does not matter. If Britain applies for pull out in 1 month or 2 months does not matter. If the Pound lost 3 % or not does not matter. If laywers need time and their $ millions contracts to draw up a ne EU contract with Britain does not matter.
In very short time Britain dioes pay into EU and it does not get anything. That's it. It's that simple just read the above 5 points. Keep it simple
created on June 23, 2016
NATOHammel means following NATO doctrine till the end even if its leads to total self-destruction. European NATO members commit suicide by risking a war with Russia. And USA and Canada want this to happen. Reminds very much to German soldiers doing what Hiler wanted till the very end. Better die than surrender USA fooling ALL Europeans and Russians with NATO enlargement and permament troops and bases in Poland and EasternEurope
created on June 23, 2016
Foreword. WWIII is made by Poland with USA. This article is NOT to support a German-Russian Empire. It is about avoiding large scale military conflict on European soild that will ONLY benefit non-Europeans and in particular the USA and Canada. Life in Eastern Europe is still hard incomes are low. But Poland wants to play war. Life in the Ukraine is miserable at $100 per month but since 2014 its $ 40 a month.
ALL Europeans are fooled by NATO. This military conflict does not help ANY European it only destroys Europe and the winner is the USA and Canada. That is what this about. Take it or leave it. This not about religion not about politics not about races or slavic people its about self-destruction of European people and this isntigated by NATO and USA and Canada and NATO staff both civilian and military.
HISTORY:This blogger is originally West-German and speaks Russian. Since end of Cold War in 1990 he has an interest in Polish and Soviet history. Poland did not exist over long periods in history. Its territory was either Russian or German or Austrian-Hungarian. Poland is slavic but Catholic. Prussia which covered some of Poland and Russian are Protestant or Orthodox Russian later Communist. Poland is a permanent problem for peace for and this in the interest of the USA and to a lesser extent to the UK. France was always happy to have an Catholic friend at the other side of the German border.
CURRENT MESS since 1990 and since EU membership: Poland was as poor as all other Eastern Europeans. England was the only EU country to let them work at this was the best economic help the Poles could get. But later so many new EU member countries flooded the Western EU countries that salaries were pushed down. and Germany did not even have a general minimum salary. This was devastating for many Germans and Austrians. Poland is NOT thankful to the old Western EU countries at all. The general right to work and live there for 40 million Poles is a very large gift and $ Billions are transferred back to Poland from those working in Western Europe. But Poland wants more. Despite of its still miserable economy it wants to play world politics. It wants to revenge for lost territories in the today's Ukraine that is in Western Ukraine and it plays this game in the name of anti-Russian feelings. That is what USA Canada and some EU countries support.
CURRENT MESS since 1990 and since NATO membership: Russia at the time of the end of Communism ONLY agreed to leave Eastern Germany and Poland and other Eastern European countries on the condition that NATO does not expand to these countries. And in particular it was agreed upon that no troops and no military equipment would be installed in these countries. NATO ignored this agreement and invited Poland the Baltics and other like Romania and Bulgaria to NATO. Since the so called war in Ukraine troops and equipment shall be put in these countries. Poland is at the forefront of these efforts and constantly pushes for that.
POLAND financed with USA and Germany NAZIS in UKRAINE: This was done to destablize Ukraine in order to justify NATO enlargement, installation of NATO troops and military equipment in Eastern Europe and to support all those in Ukraine fighting against Russia. Poland is the main fuss maker in Ukraine and Western Ukarine which is the core NAZI area due to the Bandera supporters and the movement Pravi Sector. In addition, this area was Polish at some time in history but never populated just by Poples.
POLAND is by far the most responsible to destroy any civilised co-exitence with Russia due to the above.
created on March 25, 2016
EUReferendum What are German NAZIlaws in 2016 ?
All politicians and journalists call each other NAZI or talk of NAZIlaws all over the world. But this is different and remember:
Those laws signed by Adolf Hitler whilst in power from 1933 till 1945 are REAL NAZIlaws and there are still a number applied today in Germany.
A lot of dictatorial laws and other laws signed by Adolf Hitler are still applied in Germany because ALL Germans fool themselves or they are secret NAZIS the argument is as follows: All these laws during 1933 -1945 were signed by the then German NAZI puppet parliament called Reichstag and that is why they are 'legally binding' .
Problem: A lot of parties were banned by Hitler and they were not members of the Reichstag hence the votes were not valid or void. But German politicians and university professor of law do not want to hear this.
created on March 23, 2016
FairTial is the basic notion that in free countries any court proceedings including the trial are on an equal and fair basis and transparency is given.
Western Europeans, Australians and North Americans assume to always get a FAIRTrial in their countries. But this is often not the case depending either on the case or on the country or on the province. In particular, Bavaria is a province where recent scandals have shown there is NO FairTrial in 99% of ALL trials which is more or less the case for all of Germany. In the year 2016 the MEP from Britain UKIP got the confirmation from the EUCommission that the principle of a FairTrial is NOT given in all EU countries. Art.6 of the ECHR EuropeanConvention of HumanRights in Strasbourg is now part of the EUlaws e.g. EUCharterofHumanRights in force just recently. Criminal Law applied in trials is not yet part of EU laws and treaties. Only the ECHR in Strasbourg can change a verdict at this time in the year 2016. The EU Court in Luxembourg can not change a verdict e.g. an individual can no appeal there only in Strasbourg.
created on October 23, 2015
Bavaria is where Hitler started. Bavaria wants to secretly introduce nazi laws and policies in Germany and Europe. Europeans must act before it is too late. It is where the population likes policies that are similar to fascism regardless of the point in history. Today Bavaria is a real threat to German and European democracy. This is hidden in a very smart way by Bavarian politicians. Until today Nazi laws exist in Bavaria even though they were abolished after World War II. The court system in Bavaria works more or less as during the Third Reich. The rights of workers are restricted and Europe does not notice. The Bavarian parliament is a joke. The minister of justice in Bavaria is an open Nazi and nobody in Germany and Europe cares.