created on March 15, 2020
As conceived by Vital Spirit Wellness, the act of acknowledging and caring for the energetic aspects of our human being-ness.
created on March 15, 2020
Offering general and targeted Emotion Code energy healing sessions to help reduce suffering, distress, and discomfort; alleviate imbalances; improve health, success, and emotional resilience; and restore vitality and well-being.
created on February 18, 2020
Meditators that are able to sustain a divergent focus on and/or awareness of the quantum field of infinite potentials, even for short periods of time. The quantum field is also known as Source, the void, nothingness, etc. and is thought to contains the wave forms of potential matter.
created on February 5, 2020
We specialize in adult learning solutions. From small content audits to large multimedia projects, we pride ourselves on three things: value, integrity, and quality. Experience counts!
created on February 5, 2020
Practical, simple, and informative online multi-modality workshops for targeted health and wellness. Empowering yet gentle, philosophically-informed yet non-dogmatic, scientifically-guided yet self-honoring, and transformational yet non-athletic. Learn what to do, and why, before you're expertly guided into each powerful practice.