created on September 1, 2017
A Suspense, Drama, Horror, and Mystery series that tells you stories from Alabama, Arkansas, and Ohio. All the small town stories everyone wants to hear and know all too well, but yet do they dare handle all the family secrets being revealed?
created on September 1, 2017
Iodrone's are gifts to each and every order member.
Iodrone's are a mystery. They are amazing and do amazing things beyond any drone you can possibly imagine. They even make possible for the owner to travel within one.
Iodrone's can be as big as a mountain, planet, or galaxy.
Iodrone's can be small nano down to the size of a grain of sand.
Iodrone's also have cloaking capability. Even with its operator inside an Iodrone.
They move in silence in any direction.
Iodrone's are very protective and take on some of the personality of its owner. Which makes it easier to know the owner of each Iodrone.
The Iodrone is an Intelligent Operated Drone. Hence the name Iodrone or I.O.D for short.
Each order member has an Iodrone each that they are gifted.
created on September 1, 2017
The Order of the Ancients governs The Galactic Order which both Order's are under the Master of the Universe
created on September 1, 2017
The Order of Defenders governed by The Order of the Ancients