created on August 7, 2015
A freedom-loving vampire clan awards this social media trophy to any politician, public figure or high profile person who demonstrates any or all of the following: bias, ignorance, hate, immorality. Furthermore, the winner of this award may have demonstrated unethical behavior, sought to deceive for control or power or notoriety, and rejects fundamental principles of individual freedom.
created on July 20, 2015
Hashtag community for fans of Vigilante Annie (and vampires and vampire hybrids; aka.dhampirs) Followers can get up to date news on Annie, the books, and other characters and promotions
created on June 14, 2015
In her thirties, Annie is stricken with an illness that dumbfounds doctors and specialists. Finally Annie discovers she is not experiencing an illness, but rather the mutation of her body into a vampire/human hybrid (a dhampir). Why this is happening and how she deals with this change is the premise of the story.
created on June 14, 2015
Each Tuesday a Tweet around noon time with a Blues Video and Blog to read at lunch. Blog usually revolves around the ideas of freedom and individualism.