Don LaPointe
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created on March 23, 2013
Refers to the name of the Libyan city near/in which the American diplomatic mission was attacked by Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2012.
The attack resulted in the brutal murder and public display of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens (as well as 3 CIA employees from a nearby annex). Evidence points to:
(1) Libyan security forces in the mission assisted the terrorist.
(2) These same Libyan security forces were walking on top of the wall around the mission filming the gathering of said terrorists.
(3) The same Libyan security forces fled the scene and/or assisted in the slaughter when the terrorists entered the mission.
(4) The US State Department never coordinated with the US Defense Department, prior to or during the attack, to ensure Congressionaly required and Presidentially approved plans were in effect to ensure the safety of the Ambassador and his staff in the event of an attack on the mission.
(5) Months of concerns raised by the mission staff that were forwarded to the State Department were routinely ignored even though there were an average of 2 terrorist incidents per month in the 1/2 year leading up to this tragedy.
(6) SECSTATE Hillary R. Clinton (as the responsible party for safety of Ambassador Stevens and his staff) and her staff never properly (or in a timely manner) notified the Joint Chiefs of Staff, military commanders with responsibility for Libya, the Defense Department, the CIA, the NSA or the President.
(7) The President, if he was notified, was incommunicado during the entirety of the terrorist attack on sovereign American soil (and, therefore, a direct attack on America) and the hours after.
(8) The President and his Cabinet did not inform any Congressional entities regarding this event until days after (breaking Federal law).
(9) Assistance requested by the CIA employees was either ignored or denied.
(10) The CIA employees were being punished during the attack for ignoring orders to remain in the annex while they were in a position to defend Americans.
(11) The DoD has constantly lied about their ability to respond in a timely manner to the desperate calls for help from both the mission and the annex.
(12) The Libyan government has lied about their failure to respond (as agreed upon) to the attack and to not attempting rescue Ambassador Stevens.
(13) The Obama Administration grossly mishandled the event by treating it as a "criminal activity", thereby placing it under the purview of the Justice Department (FBI) and not the legally defined requirement that it be under the jurisdiction of either the State Department's Inspector General, the CIA, the NSA, or the DoD.
(14) The Obama Administration did not send a crime scene investigation unit to the mission and/or annex until over a week had past. The "crime scene" had not been secured that entire time.
(15) There was at least one unarmed drone overhead when the terrorists were attacking, yet the President did not watch any of the live feed. Additionally, there were armed drones in proximity that were requested but not sent to defend the Ambassador, et al.
(16) US military personnel captured an individual believed to have been one of the masterminds/planners/orchestrators of the terrorist attack. The Obama Administration then ordered the individual to be remanded to the custody of the Libyan Government, both in keeping with the ridiculous notion that the attack was a crime and in deference to the help offered by our "ally" that refused to help defend Americans. In the following days, the individual escaped from the Libyans and was later seen in his home country of Tunisia, the government of which does not extradite terrorists.
(17) The Obama Administration has withheld an unknown number of reports, letters, briefings, videos, minutes, etc. from Congressional investigators and committees in a concerted effort to cover-up the Administration's culpability in the terrorist attack. Additionally, CIA, NSA and State Department briefings and releases regarding Benghazi were admitted to have been revised to line up with the President's shaping of what happened.
(18) The main advocate for the Administration's erroneous and morphing account of this event was US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice. She downplayed the Congressional report placing blame on the State Department as a "bigger tragedy" than the slaughter of Ambassador Stevens and his staff.
(19) The most blatant lie that this horrendous event was the result of an anti-Muslim video that had been on YouTube for several months before the terrorists took action (and was not even watched by the lead "Terror Imam" in the Muslim Brotherhood) was disproved by the Islamic terrorists when they dragged the body of Ambassador Stevens around the compound surrounding area screaming "Allahu Akbar!"
(20) Finally, SECSTATE Clinton was a "hostile witness" for the Administration when appearing before a public Congressional hearing on the Benghazi massacre. Most heinously, she emphatically stated "What difference does it make?" when continually asked about where the responsibility/blame belonged in the State Department.
This Hashtag is typically used when Tweets contain any of the following:
1. Reminders of the victims of the slaughter
2. Mentions of the survivors of the attack and family members of the murdered Americans
3. Evidence of the Administration's cover-up
4. Calls for release of documents by the Administration
5. Proof of the Libyan's culpability in the event
6. Proof of the Muslim Brotherhood's involvement in the attack
7. Proof of al Queda's participation in the attack
8. Information of the Administration's commitment of taxpayer money to Islamic governments or Islamic rebel organizations
9. Calls for the impeachment of President Obama for inaction and/or illegal activities before, during, and/or after the Benghazi massacre
created on March 23, 2013
Republican In Name Only--refers to a politician or other individual who claims to support the ideology, doctrine, platform of the historical Republican Party who then demonstrates espousal and/or support of policies, opinions, ideology of other political entities. Most often, a #RINO supports liberal, Democrat, Socialist, Communist and/or Totalitarian solutions and/or proposals. For example, a Republican who voted in favor of the "Affordable Health Care Act" is a #RINO.
created on March 23, 2013
Taken wholesale from TruTV's catch line "Not reality. Actuality." Means that it is something that is actually occurring and not the result of catfish or a "reality" show. Short for "actual reality".
created on March 23, 2013
A spin-off on TruTV's "Actuality". Reverse to reality, consequence, or result of Liberal actions, statements, politics, and/or policies. (For example, higher insurance premiums is a #Liberality resultant from the "Affordable Health Care Act".
created on March 23, 2013
Term of endearment, friendship, and nickname for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
created on March 23, 2013
Her Royal Highness-used when referring to First Lady Michelle Obama in virtually any circumstance.
created on March 23, 2013
His Royal Highness--used when referring to President Obama and his attitude of sovereignty.
created on March 23, 2013
Obama Gestapo Defense Network--Shows the individual is steadfast in revealing and fighting against the Socialist, Communist, Totalitarian, Rights Violating, etc. policies of President Obama, his administration, and liberals/anti-Capitalists both domestic and foreign.
created on March 23, 2013
Similar to #ClownQuestion. A statement so contextually obvious or ridiculous that it didn't need to be said.