

Member sinceMay 27, 2014
Twitter Username@bgillham
BiographySystems Analyst / Programmer specialising in Microsoft platforms.
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created on June 13, 2020
Lookup Smokers Against Lockdown Cigarette Ban - South Africa on Facebook
created on June 13, 2020
VISION: A Crime Free South Africa MISSION: To give Smokers a platform to be heard and respectfully express their dismay with the current controls being forced on them by their government. Legal Disclaimer Please remember that the diagnosis and treatment of depression and other psychiatric disorders requires trained medical professionals. The information provided on this Facebook Group or links to other information are to be used for first line support purposes only. It should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking professional care for the diagnosis and treatment of any mental/psychiatric disorders. Our information is designed to be used for peer support and should be used in conjunction with professional care. You may want to contact your local crisis hotline, community mental health center, private practitioner or clergy. If you are in crisis, call 0800 456 789 - SADAG - 24 hours. ​Neither #Smokers Against Lockdown Cigarette ban, nor its admins shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information. In no event shall #Smokers Against Lockdown Cigarette Ban, its moderators or admins be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, tort (including negligence or otherwise), or any other theory arising in any way out of the use of this group, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Disclaimer of Warranties No warranty expressed or implied is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information. This disclaimer applies to both isolated and aggregate uses of the information. #Smokers Against Lockdown Cigarette ban, provides this information on an “AS IS” basis. Disclaimer of Endorsement #Smokers Against Lockdown Cigarette Ban, contains content sometimes supplied by third parties and users. Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers or other information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers, users, or others, are those of the respective author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of #Smokers Against Lockdown Cigarette Ban, and does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by #Smokers Against Lockdown Cigarette Ban. Disclaimer for Hypertext Link ​Neither #Smokers Against Lockdown Cigarette Ban, nor its contributors is responsible for the contents of any off-site pages referenced. Each user specifically acknowledges that neither #Smokers Against Lockdown Cigarette ban, nor its admins, moderators and contributors is liable for the defamatory, offensive, misleading or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user.
created on June 13, 2020
Facebook Group against the ban on Smoking in South Africa
created on May 27, 2014
Software Design and Solutions Providers Let us Design, Develop & Host your Web Site Our Systems are not mere Hosting Services - We offer an entire Backoffice System - If it is just Hosting you want there are many FREE options on the Internet. Don't be fooled by those CHEAP Monthly fees. YOU WILL PAY MORE THAN THE ADVERTISED FEE! Brian Gillham (Technical) +27(83)7000-460 Mobile +27(31)201-6720 Landline Skype: FailSafe Recognized ? FailSafe is a trusted name which has been around for more than 25 years, and a company widely recognized and respected in the Internet community. With many registered users and a talented team of developers, FailSafe continue to evolve its software through participation, real world trial, and end-user feedback. Versatile ? we offer a web application framework ideal for creating, deploying and managing interactive web sites. Search Engine Optimized - FailSafe provides you with your personal or corporate SEO website design layout, search engine optimization and / or complete SEO copyrighting for your web site. Don?t waste your time and money on going down blind alleys to get the information you need for your site. Get your help and information from us. We help you plan your strategy, design your web site for the right market, optimize your content for search engines and start off your organic search engine marketing campaign. We make sure your website has all the indexes it needs to provide the search engines with what you want them to have. Each and every page is checked for what the search engine sees. User-Friendly ? All sites are designed to make it easy for administrators, content editors, developers, and designers to manage all aspects of their web assets. Wizards, content-sensitive help, and a well-researched user interface provide a superior user experience. Powerful ? the framework can support multiple websites from a single application installation. In dividing administrative options between host level and individual site level and also allows administrators to manage an unlimited number of websites ? each with its own unique appearance and content. Feature-Rich ? all sites come loaded with a set of built-in features that provide exceptional functionality. Site hosting, web design, content management, security, and membership options are all easily managed and customized through simple, browser-based tools. Supported - sites are managed and supported by FailSafe which provide production Service Level Agreements as well as other professional services for the platform. FailSafe is also supported by its Core Team of developers and community. Through user groups, online forums, resource portals who specialize in the technology, help is always close at hand. Easily Installed ? sites can be up-and-running within a very short space of time. Developers can simply download the software, and follow the simple installation instructions. In addition, we offer integrated installation of the application with our hosting plan, providing a simple mechanism for end users to experience the power of the platform. Localized ? all installations include multi-language localization features which allows administrators to easily translate their projects and portals into almost any language. Cutting-Edge - FailSafe leverage best-practice software development concepts by utilizing cutting-edge technologies like ASP.NET, Visual Studio, SQL Server, Windows Server, and IIS. Extensible ? All sites have pluggable architecture which allows additional functionality and presentation elements to be dynamically added to the application at run-time. By leveraging the base functionality exposed through the built-in content management system, developers and site administrators can be immediately productive and more focussed on delivering optimal solutions to their own unique business requirements.
created on May 26, 2014
#Willing_is_a_Choice by #Brian_Gillham (#Kayete) #enCOURAGEments and #REALationships are Sections from this Book of quotes which are all the authors own works.
created on May 26, 2014
#Willing_is_a_Choice by #Brian_Gillham (#Kayete) #enCOURAGEments and #REALationships are Sections from this Book of quotes which are all the authors own works.
created on May 26, 2014
#REALationships is one of the Sections from the Book #Willing_is_a_Choice by #Brian_Gillham (#Kayete)
created on May 26, 2014
#enCOURAGEments is one of the Sections from the Book #Willing_is_a_Choice by #Brian_Gillham #Kayete
created on May 26, 2014
A brief history: When Brian Gillham of Durban (South Africa) lived in Chicago in the mid-eighties an Indian fella wearing a suede tasselled coat, walked into the pub I was bar-tending at (Durkins Tavern on Diversy), and asked for a drink. He said: 'May I have a Bud please coyote?', to which Brian replied: 'Who is your coyote, I will crack you one!' (other expletives were used). He smiled at me and said: 'I am sorry, but I called you Kayete which is Geronimo the Apache Chief's real name and you look like he did when he was young.' Brian smiled back and said: 'In that case, buy Kayete a drink too and I won't crack you one.' - Brian never did get his name or see him again, but now and again when he get's an inspirational thought, he writes it down and assumes that Kayete inspired him. This may not be true but in case some of these inspirations are plagiarised or simply nonsense or offend someone, Brian did not wish to associate his name with them. On a serious note though, Brian has no idea how many of these are really his, or how many have been merely heard and assumed as his, so bear with him and just enjoy what he calls Kayete(isms). All he asks is that you enjoy them and hope that they inspire you too. Many of them have been inspired by people who have touched Brian's life in one form or another and they will know who they are when they read his collection. To most of them he would like to just say, THANK YOU! A book has been published titled Willing is a Choice which is available on the http://***

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