

Member sinceJanuary 21, 2013
Hashtags7 hashtags created
Definitions7 hashtags defined


created on July 16, 2014
Nouvelles et actualit?s de la MRC Des Sources en Estrie au Qu?bec (Canada) ? News from Des Sources region in the Quebec (Canada) Eastern Townships (also #infosdessources).
created on July 13, 2014
Nouvelles et actualit?s de la MRC Des Sources en Estrie au Qu?bec (Canada) - News from Des Sources region in the Quebec (Canada) Eastern Townships.
created on June 11, 2014
Nouvelles et actualit?s provenant des sept municipalit?s de la MRC Des Sources en Estrie : Danville, Asbestos, Wotton, St-Georges de Windsor, Saint-Camille, Saint-Adrien, St-Joseph-de-Ham-Sud.
created on January 31, 2014
This hashtag is to track the topic of Information technology in the Municipal Region of Des Sources in the Canadian Eastern Townships / Pour suivre l'actualit? dans le domaine des TIC de la MRC Des Sources en Estrie au Qu?bec/Canada.
created on March 14, 2013
Digitized music must contain metadata in order to be licensed, searched, tracked and paid for online usage. Whether factual, cultural (tags and folksonomy), contractual-time-sensitive, content based or usage generated, new norms and standards are being defined to aknowledge the increasing role of music metadata.
created on February 23, 2013
These are the five Fair Trade Music Principles put forward by the Music Creators Alliance 1. New music business models must be built on principles of fair and sustainable compensation for music creators. 2. We seek the adoption of international standards to ensure fair, efficient, and transparent management of our rights with appropriate representation for music creators in decision-making processes. 3. We advocate for the universal adoption of recapture of copyright provisions, in a time frame no greater than 35 years, such as is currently available to songwriters and artists in the United States. 4. We are committed to sustaining independent entities that educate, advocate for, and provide knowledgeable support for music creators, including aspiring songwriters, composers and artists. 5. Free expression is essential.
created on January 21, 2013
Dans la foul?e des rapports @LON du CALQ et "Porte grande ouverte sur le num?rique" de la SODEC ? la fin de 2011, les milieux de la culture du Qu?bec attendent toujours un ?nonc? de politique culturelle du num?rique. Ce hashtag sert ? suivre les progr?s de ce dossier.

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