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created on June 8, 2020
Join Josh McDowell and grandson, Scottie, this summer as they share stories and insights between generations.
created on April 17, 2020
Resolution is a movement dedicated to helping youth overcome hurts and struggles, and thrive in life with Christ and others. We are a global initiative of Josh McDowell Ministry.
created on January 29, 2020
Join Josh McDowell Ministry in a yearlong blog series, "Bridging the Gap," that helps readers move from hurting to wholeness, through the power of Christ's healing in our lives.
created on January 22, 2019
Josh McDowell Ministry, a ministry of Cru, blog series. We all have questions about life, including how to find our passions and purpose. In this series we will address the following questions: "Why am I here?," "What is truth?," "Why believe this truth?," and "How does truth affect my every day life?"
created on February 1, 2018
Communicate 2018: Over 3 intense days, world renown Christian apologist Josh McDowell and other experts will show you how to become a seasoned communicator!
created on August 16, 2017
The modern apologetics classic by Josh McDowell, completely revised and updated: "Evidence That Demands a Verdict: Life-Changing Truth for a Skeptical World"
created on June 15, 2017
Truth Is . . . "365 Youth Devotions Connecting Life and Faith" by Josh McDowell that will lead you to understand the truths of God and how living them out is beneficial in your everyday life.
created on June 15, 2017
"365 Devotions for Teens Connecting Life and Faith" book by Josh McDowell that unpacks spiritual truths that will inspire, challenge, and fuel your soul every day of the year!
created on March 28, 2016
On April 4-7, 2016, Josh McDowell Ministry and Covenant Eyes are hosting the Set Free Summit, a global summit to equip church leaders with the facts and emotional realities of porn’s impact on families, the church, and culture at large.
created on November 3, 2015
Dr. @sean_mcdowell, son of @Josh_McDowell, is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith. Often you will see the father-son duo at speaking events or as co-authors of books. Enjoy Sean's content on a variety of topics every Sunday.
created on March 25, 2015
For years author and speaker Josh McDowell has talked about the three loves from Matthew 22:37-39: Love of God, Love of Self and Love of Others. "You Are Loved" is a constant reminder of these three commitments.
created on March 25, 2015
Best-selling author Josh McDowell breaks new ground with book "God-Breathed?the Undeniable Power and Reliability of Scripture" (Shiloh Run Press, April 2015). In what is being considered his most convincing apologetics message of his five-decade-long ministry, McDowell presents the fascinating and compelling story of how recent archaeological finds?acquired from a long standing private selection of Egyptian artifacts and other objects made from papyrus dating back nearly 2,000 years?underscore the power and reliability of Scripture.
created on March 15, 2014
Josh and Sean McDowell have developed the "Heroic Truth Experience" ? a series of 6-hour seminars that present sound apologetic teaching, emphasizing the evidence for the truth of the faith. Today?s kids, in evangelical homes and churches, are confronting: (1) an intellectual storm; (2) a moral storm; and (3) a relational storm.
We as the church have encountered various crises of young people over the decades, but what we see taking place eclipses anything we have seen in my lifetime. We believe if we do not face these three converging storms now beginning with the intellectual storm, it will soon be the greatest youth crisis of the 21st century!
created on November 19, 2013
More Than a Carpenter, written by former skeptic and well-known author and speaker, Josh McDowell, has reached millions of people for Christ- through 27 million printed copies, in more than 100 languages, in 150 countries. It is considered to be one of the most used, most impactful ministry resources available today.
created on March 25, 2013
When Easter is associated more with a bunny than the resurrection of Christ, we need to reclaim Easter?s true message.
created on March 25, 2013
When Easter is associated more with a bunny than the resurrection of Christ, we need to reclaim Easter?s true message.
created on February 15, 2013
#Josh_McDowell has been invited by Christian leaders in one of the largest cities in Iraq to be part of the culminating celebration of Power to Forgive ? a city-wide, month-long strategy in February that shares messages of hope and forgiveness with the Iraqi people. Because of the themes of forgiveness and abuse in Undaunted, the Iraqi team believes Josh has the perfect platform to reach truth seekers with messages about the power of forgiveness.http://***
created on November 28, 2012 Makset Djabbarbergenov, an evangelical Christian pastor, fled his home country of Uzbekistan in 2007 due to religious persecution and threat of imprisonment. He relocated in Kazakhstan with his family. On September 5, 2012, Pastor Makset was detained by Kazakhstani authorities and charged with illegal Christian activity. He is currently under threat to be extradited back to Uzbekistan and could possibly face imprisonment of up to 9 years.
created on November 12, 2012
Providing a Syrian family with a Survival Pack of food for a month.
created on November 12, 2012
Providing a Syrian family with a Survival Pack of food for a month.
created on October 17, 2012 - raising awareness about the threat of Internet pornography and to network with other organizations to offer solutions for families and individuals of all ages and stages. (@Josh_McDowell)