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created on November 24, 2019
A new video series by Dr. Noor! Dr. Noor Ali is a Licensed Health Advisor, Global Physician, and Health Insurance Advocate. In the "Ten In Ten" videos, she'll be interviewing Industry Experts, and asking them to answer 10 questions in 10 minutes. Come learn with Dr. Noor! She can be found on Instagram here: @drnoorushealth and on Facebook and Twitter here: @DrNoorUSHealth
created on October 9, 2019
Dr. Noor Ali is a Licensed Health Advisor, Global Physician, and Health Insurance Advocate. Every Wednesday on Instagram, Dr. Noor answers audience questions about Health Insurance, Health and Wellness, Healthy Lifestyles, Maternity, Open Enrollment, etc. She also discusses industry news and statistics via a weekly video on Twitter using this hashtag. She can be found on Instagram here: @drnoorushealth and on Twitter here: @DrNoorUSHealth Be sure to submit your questions to be answered in one of her videos today!
created on February 9, 2019
"500 Million Dollar Secret" is the signature, FREE online class offered by #1 International Bestselling Author: T. Harv Eker. In this class, Harv will show you how to get 10X more sales and make 10X more income from one slight change to your business model! Additionally, you'll learn the most critical element in business that determines 80% of your success. Harv also shares the most common AND deadly mistake that underachieving businesses make, and how you can avoid it with his specific and easy-to-follow plan to get more customers and create more sales. If you want more leads and sales BUT hate selling, discover how to eliminate selling completely and still get rich with this limited-time, FREE online class! (Check out this hashtag on Twitter, and other Social Media platforms to see related info.)
created on January 9, 2019
"Fastrack To Freedom" is the signature FREE online class offered by #1 International Bestselling Author: T. Harv Eker. In this class, Harv shares the ugly truth about why most people don't become financially free, and how to beat the odds with a simple mindset shift. You'll learn why your past programming around money has a lot to do with the exact amount you're earning right now and why that might be holding you back from becoming free-PLUS a unique technique that could accelerate your path to freedom. Discover the 8 elements Harv Eker used to become financially free in under 3 years...and how you can use them too! (Check out this hashtag on Twitter, and other Social Media platforms to see related info.)
created on November 28, 2018
"Zero To MultiMillionaire" is the signature FREE online class offered by #1 International Bestselling Author: T. Harv Eker. In this class, he teaches specific strategies that will actually produce real wealth in your life, what unique character traits 90% of ALL self-made millionaires have in common, and the most important rule when it comes to creating wealth...without it you'll have a limit on your income forever! Discover the 6 proven principles that T. Harv Eker used to go from broke to rich, and how you can use them too! (Check out the hashtag on Twitter and other Social Media platforms to see related info.)
created on October 31, 2018
"Don't Believe A Thought You Think" is the signature FREE online class offered by #1 International Bestselling Author: T. Harv Eker. In this class, T. Harv Eker teaches why the world's most elite achievers use the relatively unknown '3 Laws Of Thought' and how you can too. Learn how to combat the #1 enemy in your life that's secretly holding you back from living the life you truly desire by using Harv's simple shortcut to access your TRUE inner power and become unstoppable in just 60 minutes. (Check out the hashtag on Twitter and other Social Media platforms to see related info.)
created on October 5, 2018
"Teach And Get Rich"
The signature FREE online class by #1 International Bestselling Author: T. Harv Eker.
In this class, you'll learn T. Harv Eker’s Method: 9 Secrets To Show You How To Become An Effective And Confident Speaker, All While Earning A Fortune And Making A Positive Impact On The World.
(Check out the hashtag on Twitter and other Social Media platforms to see related info.)
created on January 9, 2018
Compose an entire story using the available characters in a single tweet.
created on February 25, 2017
@WorkSearch_Inc is the only online job board in the US that can guarantee, you won’t pay a nickel until both the Job Seeker and the Job Poster agree to meet.
With WorkSearch, both parties are anonymous and have the ability to be matched according to; job title, skills, location, years of experience etc.
WorkSearch: Where savvy Job Posters and Job Seekers come to meet.
created on February 11, 2017
General or industry-specific quotes provided by Kenny Berger, President & CEO of @WorkSearch_Inc
created on August 17, 2016
Digital Marketing book of the same title (including practices, advice, and references to the content therein) by SEO Expert and author @HeatherLutze.
created on July 28, 2016
General or industry-specific insights provided by Matt Good, Managing Partner at @gogpac.
created on July 18, 2016
Various charity and other worthy endeavors encouraged, created &/or sponsored by @gogpac.
created on April 15, 2016
To support and promote the company gpac. gpac is a globally-ranked, award-winning leader in the recruiting industry, that has a focus on growth. gpac = Growing People And Companies.
created on March 30, 2016
Celebrating Grilled Cheese for the entire month of April! Use #NationalGrilledCheeseMonth to share your pics & tips and join in the fun!
created on March 21, 2016
The official hashtag of Alicia and Nashaunn's wedding. Event date: October 7, 2016!
created on March 10, 2016
A productive use of the pics in your phone that are taking up space! Use #LetsGetGraphic to submit your pic for consideration to be used by @ogjerseygirl in an original graphic for her or her clients! (Photo must be yours to give unrestricted permission to be altered, distributed, promoted, etc.) Let's put those pics to good use and get creative!
created on December 6, 2015
Every Sunday I invite people to share their links, promos, or other professional info. on my page all day to network & promote each other. Let's show some love for each other! --> created & registered on @twubs by @ogjerseygirl
created on September 26, 2015
Sundays with Rena (Rena Greenberg/Easy Willpower). A day of sharing awesome healthy recipes, exclusive discounts & sales, and general engagement with Rena Greenberg and Easy Willpower.