created on June 21, 2016
From Wired "THE ONE PRESIDENTIAL candidate who’s staked his reputation on being “really rich” is actually not all that rich, at least, not as far as his campaign is concerned.
On Monday, the Federal Election Commission’s monthly report revealed a historic gap between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s campaign war chests. Where Clinton ended the month with $42 million in cash on hand, Trump rounded out May with just $1.3 million. To put that in context, that’s less than the $1.8 million Ben Carson’s campaign still has left, and Carson dropped out of the race in March.
Word traveled fast, and overnight, the hashtag #TrumpSoPoor began trending on Twitter, spawning endless tweets about his business dealings…"
created on June 16, 2016
Agree that media should blacklist/ignore Trump based on his attacks on the and the First Amendment
created on June 9, 2016
Trump beating hundreds out of money by not paying debts. Article in USAToday.
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills
created on March 26, 2016
Illuminates connection between Trump and Pecker, the owner of the National Enquier.