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created on July 3, 2018
The Democratic Party now owns MS-13. Where will this new DNC MS-13 partnership lead? To a more vigorous #Resist movement than ever before.
created on May 3, 2018
The time is now, well before the 2018 midterm elections to replace the Speaker and Majority Leader with leaders that will wholeheartedly support President Trump's agenda. Changing leadership will assure voters that Republican winners will follow through on their promises.
created on October 5, 2017
Nullify News consists of news stories held back until they can make President Trump look bad at the moment he is looking real good. This week's visit by the President to Puerto Rico and Las Vegas made him look very good to the public. Hence the "moron" story held back for a long time was splashed by NBC for the purpose of helping to nullify Trump's presidency.
created on August 30, 2017
Witness any number of Main Street Media and Politicians on Left and Right pretend President and First Lady Trump were not empathetic enough when they visited flood stricken Texas, hasn't condemned White Supremacists frequently enough or strongly enough. Even the repeated questions during Sarah Huckabee's and the President's press conferences to make it appear the administration is hiding something or has never answered the question despite the struggles of the media to get answers; then the journalists' fake outrage, raised voices, and Hrmmmphs.
created on August 24, 2017
As Charlie Kirk Tweeted, "If paid rioters destroy property and harm cops, an investigation should be launched to see who is paying them."
Then hold them responsible."
created on August 15, 2017
No one heard of Unite the Right before Charlottesville VA because it was invented on the spur of the moment to bind all DNC opponents with Nazis, Hitler, White Supremacists, and the KKK: basically an if you're a bigot you're not Black thing. The mechanics of the rebellion is to segregate the races into special interest groups, goad them to protest each other as a means of obtaining political, economic, societal ends. At the moment the end in view is Trump's impeachment. The Charlottesville events of the weekend of Aug 12-13, 2017 were staged much like TV wrestling matches. Many members on both sides will be found to have previously engaged Trump rallies as disruptors.
created on August 9, 2017
It's no secret the reason every news network, including Fox, receives somehow the word, phrase of the day or issue of the news cycle such that they all parrot and drive home to viewers how they are to think of and take news events and Trump administration statements. The talking points never seem to come from Republicans. They aren't that organized. Instead the words and phrases nearly always favor the Left.
Example: CNN is sometimes called the Clinton News Network because its so obvious most if not all of them are Democrat spokespeople posing as journalists. The other networks are mostly the same. Hence the hashtag: #DemSpokesJournalists.
created on August 5, 2017
Because Democratic Party leadership is promoting global citizenship, "science" in lieu of God, share the wealth, and is Never Trump; I pledge to never, ever, ever vote for a Democrat ever again, ever.
created on July 7, 2017
Now that Republicans have figured out how to Vacate the Chair when they removed Speaker Boehner they should go onto the second step in their learning: figuring out how to replace the Speaker with a leader who keeps campaign promises.
created on July 4, 2017
Speaker Ryan had no intention to repeal Obamacare. Now that he has disavowed Trump's only means of countering the MSM through hard hitting Tweets, and since few in Congress are on offense for the President, but only weakly defend him, it's time to Vacate the Chair, to replace the Speaker with someone who will support the President's agenda and go on offense for him.
created on June 30, 2017
To Make America Great Again it's necessary to wall off Progressives that have nothing in common with Americans. For further explanation look up Mark Levin's 13 differences between the two types.
created on June 30, 2017
The Left says reducing the number of Medicaid recipients will result in many of their deaths. That is just so much fear mongering. Many people were forced out of their insurance plans at the inception of Obamacare. The least financially able had little choice but to accept Medicaid if they wanted health insurance.
created on June 29, 2017
The MSM dissembles by calling CNN's intentional fake news stories mistakes. In doing so they have added fake mistakes to their toolbox of tricks to deceive Americans.
created on June 28, 2017
Every Obamacare replacement scheme retains wasteful, uninformed, far distant politicians as the "fixers" of Obamacare. Ludicrous. Repeal only is needed.