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created on March 24, 2017
Kemetic Devotion, Ancient Egyptian Spiritual Music, concert, workshop, and experience, presented by Arit Neter S Mery Maati (Tchiya Amet). Offerings of love and Devotion to the Divine. Hotep
created on October 12, 2016
#TaiChiya Energy Flow Dance Moves designed to #OpenYourMoneyFlow to the song #HopesUp by #DramaDuo #ViaRosa. #NaelShehade special thanks to #TeraMaxwell
@queeninshalla @sunsoulrhonda @tawanajohnson @kesiagray @shamekamccloud #tchiyaamet www.tchiya.comMade with Perfect http://***
created on October 12, 2016
Tai-Chiya Energy Dance Moves to remove energy blocks and toxic residue energy #openyourmoneyflrow #tchiyaamet
created on July 2, 2016
When our money flow is blocked or stagnant, there are many ways to open the flow. This block is often caused by trauma.
created on April 23, 2016
reggae, reggae music, Rasta, Natural Livity, Wellness, Healing of the Nation. Musical Wellness Events sponsored by Kasha Rootz Band, Tchiya Amet and Lenni I-Music
created on August 27, 2015
Music that is founded on the principles of Ancient Kemet (Ancient African Egyptian).
created on August 27, 2015
Shetaut Neter means Hidden Divinity
Dua Sebai Maa. Dua Seba Dja.
created on August 27, 2015
Kemetic Devotional Music: pure simple, consciousness, leading towards Nehast which is Divine Enlightenment.
Musical Offerings to the Divine
Musical Offerings to the Neteru, the gods and goddesses.
Praises and Adorations to the Neteru
#ShetautNeter: Shetaut Neter is Hidden Divinity
created on August 27, 2015
Kemetic 13 Month Sidereal Astrology System that was developed by Tchiya Amet El Maat, S.E.
created on August 27, 2015
Miky Way Records and Productions
Rise Again Truth,
Black Turtle Island,
Celestial Folk Music,
Tchiya Amet Survives the Texas Tornado DUB COLLECTION.
The Blue Lotus Speaks: Kemetic Devotional Music. Guided Meditations.
#EndTheSilence End the Violence
created on August 27, 2015
The Music, Life and Wisdom of Tchiya Amet.El Maat
Singer/Songwriter/Cosmic Sound Healer
Cosmic, Indie, Native, Reggae, World Music
Kemetic Devotional Music and Guided Meditations
Rise Again Truth
Arit neter S Mery Maati
created on April 8, 2015
For 40 days, from April 4 through May 13, all 4 cds: Rise Again Truth, Black Turtle Island, Celestial Folk Music and Texas Tornado DUB, from Tchiya Amet and Milky Way Records, will be on sale!
One CD for $7 or 2 CDS for $10. shipping included!
Make Your Purchase Here:http://***
created on April 8, 2015
for 40 Days, from April 4 to May 13, I am releasing one song per day for free download!
sign up here:http://***
at, you can grow a stronger connection to your roots and culture, stronger connection with the Ancestors, stronger connection to the Stars. Stronger connection to the Divine.
You will find Wisdom for the Healing of the Nation, as well as Healing for the Good of ALL MY RELATIONS!!
created on April 4, 2015
Good Rising and Great Awakenings!
Every day for 40 days, from APRIL 4 THROUGH MAY 13, you will have access, FREE DOWNLOADS, to a different song, might be old, might be from a cassette from DOGON SIRIUS, my very first band. It might be a slide show or video to one of your favorite songs. Or it might be a devotional chant that I have been working on. It might be something BRAND NEW, that I just recorded on my piano ten minutes ago. HAPI ECLIPSE!!!!http://***http://*** like my page!!!
created on March 5, 2015
Cosmic Sound Healing is a non invasive healing technique that is simialr to acupuncture, only using sound instead of needles. At KemeTones?, we use Acutonics? tuning forks that are tuned to planetary frequencies.
Tchiya Amet uses her voice, her sound and her music to raise the vibrations. KemeTones? music is heavily influenced by ROOTS REGGAE, THE COSMOS, KEMET, AND ALL INDIGENOUS CULTURES OF THE 4 DIRECTIONS.