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created on April 20, 2018
Is there anybody out there that can understand how I'm feeling at this very moment? .......echo.....echo.....echo.....ech.....eh....e
created on April 20, 2018
When the state of something is so bad that it's of no use at all. Because at it's core it has been twisted, misused, and abused. I'm sad when I use this term.
created on April 20, 2018
What you are saying has no real relevance to the topic at hand.
Or it's already a given so why are we going over that - again.
Or it doesn't matter that you bring that fact up...
created on April 20, 2018
The phrase you use when it just makes sense to you and you feel the rightness of it.
created on July 23, 2015
The reality of why many people don't have the body they want. Always NOT making time for exercise and always MAKING excuses.
created on July 23, 2015
This definition is used to describe the current racist views that are prevailing in America as it relates to race relations. Whose evolution began to materialize in late 2013 and appears to be steadily gaining momentum to the horror of many decent American citizens. It is the idea or notion that African Americans are inhuman, ignorant, violent, criminals and therefore deserve the harshest treatment when confronted by Caucasian law officials. The notion that it is okay to be judge and jury of our young black men and women is inhuman and unconstitutional. And yet the very government that is supposed to protect all Americans have so far been unable to control the out flux of violence now being displayed by Caucasian police officers all over America. To the horror and shock of everyone. Who will find a solution or must we begin to accept that we must live in fear in American just because of the color of our skin again.
created on July 23, 2015
Your understanding and belief in a situation based entirely upon your worldview, experience and values.
created on July 23, 2015
Profound knowledge learned by the execution of a process. Lessons learned by executing a plan, dream, or directive. There was no how-to prior to said execution which would have been of great assistance.
created on August 14, 2014
Used to discuss the continuing cases of Police brutality occurring to The African American communities and other minority citizens. Even with cameras rolling police layers and judges still continue to rule in favor of white policemen who kill and injure African American citizens for seemingly minor infractions. There appears to be so many shades of gray that police officers continually display this violence and are continually found innocent. It's beginning to look suspiciously racially motivated.
created on June 12, 2014
The President of the United is Barack Obama who won through the democratic process twice but factions within the United States; members of the Senate, House, state legislators, republican entities, and other unmentioned organizations have worked relentlessly against the President's Policies in an attempt to make the reign of the first African American President ill-relevant. Their success is becoming the downfall of American. As long as we don't acknowledge TheElephanInTheRoom we can tell ourselves any lie we need to justify this travesty of injustice. But all is being recorded by history and very soon there will be no denying the truth. History will tell the truth of this brilliant, Nobel Prize winning man who became the first African American President there-by changing history. And that dear friends is something that can not be undone.
created on May 20, 2013
God's only begotten Son.
Conceived through the virgin Mary (who was espoused to Joseph) and God's own Holy Spirit, making Him the only real deity in history to be both man and God. Who upon His death secured for the world the eternal life God had prepared for mankind at the creation of this earth. Ending the Adamic reign of sin that entered the world through Adam (and Eve). Who through His death on the cross became God's greatest gift to mankind. Mankind need only confess their sins and acknowledge the gift of salvation given through Jesus to receive forgiveness of sins, salvation and eternal life in heaven.